Wild Cockatiels Australia – This Is A Rare Sight

It is very rare we get to glimpse a group of wild cockatiels Australia can offer.

As you probably already know, in the wild, cockatiels hail from Australia, and in this video below I am going to offer you a glimpse of what they look like flying around in the wild.

Pet cockatiels are commonplace in Australian homes. To see a wild flock with the outback colours beneath them reveals the true spectacle of this bird in its flock. 

Cockatiels may be observed in and around western New South Wales and Queensland, Alice Springs, The Kimberley region and the northwestern corner of Western Australia. They are absent from the most fertile southwest and southeast corners of the country, the deepest Western Australian deserts, and Cape York Peninsula.

Nymphicus Hollandicus is the scientific name for the wild cockatiel. They are a member of the cockatoo family endemic to Australia where they are found largely in arid or semi-arid country, but they are always found close to water.

They are nomadic and will move to where ever food and water is available. Common predators of the cockatiel include birds of prey, such as hawks and eagles.

They often eat cultivated crops. which makes them agricultural pests. Flocks of several thousand have been known to raid crop fields, particularly fields of sorghum, millet, wheat, and sunflowers. There have been open seasons on cockatiels in Queensland, although they are generally protected by law.

They are mostly seen in pairs or small flocks, but sometimes you will see hundreds together around a single body of water.

In the wild their plumage is mainly grey.

The cockatiel is the smallest of the cockatoos.

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