Where To Put A Bird Cage?

Where to put a bird cage may seem trivial to most of you, but where to put a bird cage in a room is very important, especially for a new arrival. You need to establish a sense of security for your bird and help it to settle in its new surroundings.

It helps if the cage is kept at eye level, preferably at the corner of the room or along a wall rather than in the center. Birds need at least one side of their cage up against a wall, as it provides them with a feeling of security. The ideal placement is in a corner where they can have two walls.

Never put the bird cage in front of a window, because not only will you attract potential bird thieves, but it could prove fatal for your bird in hot weather. The bird could succumb to heatstroke, unable to escape from the sun. Although many parrots come from warmer parts of the world, they still rest in the shade of the trees at times in the day when the sun is at its hottest. A thunder or rainstorm could also scare them if they are placed too close to a window. If the window is open, your bird could also catch a chill from the draught.

where to put a bird cage

Never put a bird cage on top of an electrical appliance like a fridge. They do not enjoy the constant vibrations. Also, watch out for AC and heating vents as you don’t want to have hot or cold air blowing directly at your birds.

On the other hand, it is nice to put them near a window so that they can see out of it.

You may have a suitable piece of furniture on which to place the cage or you could invest in a special cage stand.

Here are some great examples of cage stands.

Whichever one you choose, make sure that it is secure, particularly if you have young children who may try to reach the bird by attempting to climb up the stand, pulling it over with potentially dire consequences for all involved.

Don’t put the cage in a room away from the family activity as he will get lonely and bored. Keep him central to the comings and goings of your household. Never put the cage in the kitchen, especially if you cook on nonstick cookware, as these fumes are poisonous to your bird.

Larger flight cages, even those that do not extend down to the ground are usually equipped with castors, which means that they are free-standing and can be moved around when necessary.

Covering the cage is a good idea if you stay up late in the evenings. It is not recommended to expose birds to more than 12 hours of light each day, because this may affect their molting cycle, causing them to suffer what is sometimes described as a soft molt. A soft molt means that they drop feathers all the time rather than having distinct molting periods like birds in outdoor aviaries.

Covers designed for the purpose may be hard to find, but you can use a sheet or blanket for this purpose. Never use a woolen cover as the bird may become caught up by its claws and be injured.

Parrot cages for the home usually comprise a wire top mounted on a solid base. These birds enjoy climbing around their quarters, so it is a good idea to place a screen behind the cage if it is located close to a wall in order to protect the wallpaper from bird droppings and scattered pieces of fruit which may stain the wall.


  1. Never thought there was so much about birds and some of the species you refer to were completely strange to me, namely cockatiels… This is a very interesting topic and your website contributes to one’s general knowledge. The way you put things, so thorough and clear, makes it very pleasant reading.

    Thanks a lot for sharing and keep safe!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Antonio, and maybe I will even convince you to get your own companion bird sometime.

  2. Hi there,

    I must confess every time I get onto your website I fall in love. It’s because I am completely in love with everything animals and birds. Thank you. 

    I use to have a cocktail but I had to give her away to my brother as I moved house and then she got settled there and he wanted to keep it. 

    I know that it’s for the best to cover the cage at night so they get into a routine for bedtime. I have been always careful not to put her near to appliances or in the view of a thief. 

    I really enjoyed your article full of useful information. I have no further questions thank you for this knowledge.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Angel, and hope that you will get another bird to replace the one you had. They really add a lot of joy to ones life.

  3. Gosh, I had no idea that the placement of these birds are so crucial to their well being. Thank you for all the useful info and will surly share it with my family and friends. I actually have seen cages on top of a fridge before and now I can advise them of the negative effects on their pet bird:(

    Thanks again , the cage stands are also a better idea and will also pass on that info!

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