Cockatiels (Animal Planet Pet Care Library) Review

Let’s take a look at the book Cockatiels (Animal Planet Pet Care Library).
This is an affiliate link, so if you do decide to buy the book, I will get a small commission, but I hope you will in any case find this book to be as useful as I did.

I will admit there are more comprehensive books on the market place, but this one is fun and easy to read.

Cockatiels (Animal Planet® Pet Care Library)

Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.1 out of 5 stars.

This book has special diet suggestions and explains how to create the ideal housing environment for your Cockatiel.

This book is the perfect guide to learning more about these talented and social birds.

This comprehensive guide to superior pet care features has newly written text from an expert.

There are useful tip boxes in each chapter show every member of your family how to make the most out of owning a pet cockatiel.

This book includes all aspects of proper housing, nutrition, health care, and training sessions that both bird and owner will enjoy.

The specs of ‘Cockatiels (Animal Planet Pet Care Library)‘ are:

  • Publisher: Tfh Pubns Inc (2006-09)
  • Language: English
  • Print Length: 112 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0793837669
  • Product Dimensions: 8×6.6×0.6 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
  • File Size: 934 KB

Can be purchased in hard cover or Kindle format.

Here are some REAL customer reviews:

“A Must Have for would be cockatiel owners”

If you’re thinking of adding cockatiels to your family, this book gives a lot of insight about their care and diet. It’s easy to read and has lots of pictures on the variations. Cockatiels are very easy going, and well tempered, and caring for them is… Read more

“Great Cockatiel Overview”

This book is a great overview for the first-time cockatiel owner. The layout is great and the pictures are both beautiful and instructive. It gives a little bit about food, illness and overall what to expect as a cockatiel owner. It is a great starting… Read more

“animal planet”

I love the hard cover book. I thought my son would like it, but I ended up preferring this book and my son another simpler book. He is 2nd grader. Book is very informative but for older kids/adults. Read more

Get Cockatiels (Animal Planet Pet Care Library) at the best price available today.

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