Best Pet Birds For Kids – Choices! Choices!

If you are looking to get a pet bird for your child, then you must do some research first to find out what the best pet birds for kids are.

Here are some good choices of the best pet birds that children will love. You just have to decide which one will be best for your circumstances.

Best Pet Birds For Kids

Parakeets or Budgies:

Parakeets otherwise known as budgies make really fun pet birds for kids, especially younger kids. Most parakeets need activity time to play out of the cages, which makes them perfect pet birds for small kids.

These pretty and colorful birds are small and do not need a lot of care. They can be trained to talk and are wonderful companions especially when tame. They can make good relationships with young kids, provided of course you teach your children to handle them with care. They can bite, but most once tamed just nibble softly.

Budgies are not expensive and they are not very loud. They can live up to 15 years and don’t require expensive and special foods. They are happy with budgie seeds and fresh vegetables.

Getting a budgie as a first pet bird will go a long way towards teaching your child to look after and nurture a pet.


Finches are beautiful and fascinating little birds to watch, and with their soft chirps and chatter that can give you lots of soothing and enjoyable moments.

Finches live for about 8 years, are not messy and do not require a lot of interaction. They are not really the kind of birds you can take out and train, as they prefer bird company to human company. If your children want physical interaction, then rather choose one of the parrot species.

best pet birdsFinches do a lot of flying, so will need a large cage, especially since they don’t get removed from their cages like other birds would.


Canaries are also from the Finch family and come in a wide array of colors. Canaries also make a great pet for your kids, and unlike finches do not need a bird companion, because they are not as sociable as other members of the finch family.

Canaries live for up to 15 years. The male canaries sing beautifully and the sound is very relaxing to humans.

Canaries do not require a lot of attention and are the perfect solution for a first-time owner.

If you want a pet you can cuddle, the canary is not for you.


best pet birdsCockatiels are perfect for older kids who like to interact with their pets.

Cockatiels are interesting pets, as they can learn to talk, be taught tricks or even how to whistle. They do require more attention than the smaller pet birds and love time out of their cage.

Their cage needs to be quite large to allow for exercise, and toys and perches need to be supplied.

Cockatiels can live for about 30 years if looked after properly.

This means that a cockatiel can grow up with your child.

Peach-Faced Lovebirds:

best pet birdsThese small parrots live for about 20 years and are also able to learn a few tricks. Lovebirds are really pretty and very energetic. They will, therefore, require lots of toys, perches, and a play gym. Lovebirds are not as noisy as bigger parrots.  You can read more about lovebirds here.

Diamond Doves:

Diamond doves are small birds and do need the company of other doves. They also need a lot of room.

They are easy going and pretty, and you don’t need to give them too much attention. They will need perches that are high up in the cage, as they like to roost or sit on a high flat surface.

Diamond Doves can live about 15 years.

Spectacled Parrotlets:

Spectacled parrotlets are small birds of about 5 inches long. They are energetic and very suitable pets for teenagers.

They need a big space and toys to keep them busy.

They will require time each day for personal interaction and activity. They are curious and feisty and don’t come cheap.

They can live up to 25 years.

Other Things To Consider When Choosing The Best Pet Birds For Kids

You need to take into account how mature your child is.

In general children younger than eight are not prepared to look after a pet. Children will need to prove that they can behave responsibly in order to have the privilege of owning a pet of any sort.

Try visiting a pet store together and see which types of birds he reacts better too. How does he react if the bird bites him?

Remind your child that his responsibilities will be cleaning the cage, changing the water daily changing water, feeding interacting with their pet frequently.

Also, make a note of how your child reacts to noise. Some birds are quieter, but often birds that stay in homes with children will be noisy because they respond to the children’s voices.

Make sure that your child knows that a bird is fragile, and they can’t hug it too tightly or treat it carelessly.

The risk of hurting the bird is greater when the bird is small, and if the bird is large, there is a possibility that it will bite your child at some stage. For this reason, children must be warned to keep the bird away from their faces, especially if it is not tamed properly yet.

Hopefully, this information has helped you to make a decision as to what the best pet birds for your kids and family will be.


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