Goodbye Rosie, My Old Budgie Friend

Last week I lost the most friendly and tamest budgie that I have ever owned. I got her from a friend about 8 years ago, and she moved in with my cockatiels and fitted right in there. She treated the male cockatiel like her baby, constantly mothering him and trying to feed him. She adored him and followed him around the cage all day like a faithful puppy. I think he is also missing her now.

This is Rosie and her Cockatiel friend enjoying some time with Casper our Bare-Eyed Goffin Cockatoo.

Losing a beloved pet is never easy, especially when that pet has been with you through thick and thin. In this article, I will share with you my experience with my old budgie, Rosie, how long budgies typically live, what happens when they get sick, and how to treat them when their legs get stiff and won’t grip the perches.

How Long Do Budgies Live:

Budgies, also known as parakeets, typically live between 5 to 10 years. However, with proper care and attention, they can live even longer. Rosie lived well past the average lifespan for a budgie, thanks to the love and care that she received from us. It is important to provide your budgie with a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and attention to ensure a long and healthy life.

What Happens When They Get Sick:

Unfortunately, budgies, like all animals, can get sick from time to time. When Rosie started to show signs of illness, such as fluffed feathers, loss of appetite, and difficulty breathing, I knew something was wrong. The vet, simply said that she was old and gave me some powder to mix with water to give her in her water daily to help her keep hydrated and comfortable. It is important to monitor your budgie’s health closely and seek medical attention if you notice any changes in their behavior or appearance.

She seemed to get better for a while, but after a few more weeks retired to the floor of the cage. I bathed her daily as she didn’t seem able to clean herself properly anymore and fed her water off of my fingers as she seemed to prefer this to dipping her head into the water bowl.

How to Treat Them When Their Legs Get Stiff and Won’t Grip the Perches:

As budgies age, they may experience stiffness in their legs, making it difficult for them to grip the perches in their cage. This can be a sign of arthritis or other joint issues. To help your budgie, you can provide them with a variety of perches of different sizes and textures to help them exercise their feet and legs. You can also gently massage their legs and feet to help improve circulation and relieve stiffness. If the problem persists, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for further treatment options.

I gave Rosie a flat platform to stand on close to the floor and she seemed to prefer sitting there to on her perch for the last few weeks of her life.


Saying goodbye to my old budgie and friend was sad, but I am sure that she was suffering towards the end and is at peace now. Rosie brought so much joy and love into our lives, and I will always cherish the memories we shared.

Remember to cherish every moment you have with your pets, as they truly are a gift that should never be taken for granted. Take care of your budgie, provide them with love and attention, and they will bring you endless happiness in return.

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