Food For Parrots – What, If and How!

If you are the owner of an exotic bird or parrot, you will certainly want to check out what the various food for parrots options are. Most of the larger parrot species are quite expensive birds to buy, so you don’t want to mess with their health.

As you may already be aware, there are a great many sites that offer different types of parrot food, but you need to be sure what the best food for parrots will be, and what will suit your bird’s needs. It is in the best interest of your parrot to find out as much as you can about the different options and food types before purchasing.

Today’s food for parrots comes in many forms. It varies from pellets, table foods that we eat, bird seed, soak and cook mixes, fruit and vegetables, and other types of treats. It is so easy to get confused about what exactly the best diet food for parrots for parrots

First, you need to look at what type of parrot you have. Amazon Parrots will have different dietary needs to, for instance, a Cockatoe or a Macaw.

The best thing to do is check with your avian vet.

Another great idea is to get in contact with other pet owners, as they will also have a good idea of what their birds like to eat and what food for parrots is the best to try. Then make sure the brand that you buy is specifically for your type of parrot. In this way, you will make sure your bird gets the right proportions of fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Take advantage of seasonal discounts when purchasing your parrot food, but be cautioned that sometimes food sells cheaper because it is close to the expiry date.

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Types of Food for Parrots


Bird seed mixes are more than often the staple food diet for most parrot types. These seed mixtures generally include sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, millet seeds, canary seeds, pumpkin, hemp, chia, sesame, millet, coriander, flaxseeds, and thistle seeds.
food for parrots

The seeds all have four parts – germ, cotyledon, hull, and endosperm.

Your parrot eats ungerminated seeds, which are seeds that haven’t started to grow yet, and the bird eats all parts of the seed except the hull.

You can also sprout your seed (grow it) for your bird, as some of them love these plants. You can also buy the seed in the form of sprout seed mix.


A pellet is a man-made food, made up of grains and seeds, as well as vitamins and minerals. The pellets are formed into shapes and baked at low heat. Sometimes the pellets are colored, so that they appeal to your bird.
food for parrots

There are many different types of pellet diets on the market, so it is best to consult with your avian vet to determine what the best one will be for your parrot.

If your bird is not used to pellets, you will have to wean him onto them slowly.


Your bird will need protein, and plants that are high in protein are quinoa, broccoli, soybeans, legumes, beans, nuts, and sprouts. You can also feed your parrot animal-based proteins like well-cooked and unseasoned chicken, turkey, or fish. Scrambled eggs are another option but lay off the salt. The crushed eggshell can be mixed in with the egg and given to your bird.

Fruit and Vegetables

Most vegetables and fruits are great for your parrot, as they are full of vitamins, fiber, calcium, protein, and other nutrients. Make sure you wash your fruit and vegetables well before handing them over to your feathered friend. Don’t leave uneaten fruit and vegetables in the cage for too long as they do spoil.

Birds love bright and colorful fruits. You can’t go wrong feeding your bird any of the berry family.

Cooking for your Parrot

Cooking homemade food for your bird is great, and you can also buy things like prepared bread and vegetable mixes at your pet shop or online. Follow the instructions, and you can serve your bird a home-cooked meal in minutes.

Check out this post if you want to make your parrot food yourself at home.


It is great to serve your parrot a treat now and again, and there is a large variety of treats that you can buy your bird. Use treats now and again, and also when you are training your bird. Introducing Tasty Vitakraft Cockatiel Treat Sticks.

How Much Should I Feed My Parrot?

It is usually in the region of a 1/4 cup of pellets per day for small birds and a 1/2 cup for larger parrots. The smaller the portion you give the better, and if he is not eating his pellets, then cut down on other food types, as the pellets should be the primary source of nutrition.

If you are feeding a cockatiel, a grape is even too big for them. A half teaspoon of fruit a day for a small bird and a tablespoon for a large bird per day should be more than adequate. Add a 1/2 teaspoon of a protein source to a small bird and 1 1/2 tablespoon of a protein source to a larger bird.

If you have any other advice on food for parrots, please feel free to leave your comment below.

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